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[News] GD, TOP & Seungri’s favorite nickname

Q. Out of all the nicknames the fans give you, which one do you like the most?

Seungri: Mm….me…well i like “baby seunghyun”.

GD: For all the normal people who feel embarassed with questions like these, he (Ri) doesn’t care & says it out loud and can answer so smoothly. I also have a favorite, “cute jiyong”…

TOP: ….if you’re “baby seunghyun”…then what am i?!?! “ahjusshi seunghyun” or “seunghyun harabeoji” -_-”

Ahaha TOP, you're so cutee <3 Ahjusshi seunghyun lol

Source: kyuyanhyun@weibo
Translation: mystifize@twitter
Credit: talislin @ bigbangvip.net

Q. Out of all the nicknames the fans give you, which one do you like the most?

Seungri: Mm….me…well i like “baby seunghyun”.

GD: For all the normal people who feel embarassed with questions like these, he (Ri) doesn’t care & says it out loud and can answer so smoothly. I also have a favorite, “cute jiyong”…

TOP: ….if you’re “baby seunghyun”…then what am i?!?! “ahjusshi seunghyun” or “seunghyun harabeoji” -_-”

Ahaha TOP, you're so cutee <3 Ahjusshi seunghyun lol

Source: kyuyanhyun@weibo
Translation: mystifize@twitter
Credit: talislin @ bigbangvip.net