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[CAFE] PLAYB2ST's DAILY OF B2ST - Mnet M countdown


This is the administrator of BEAST's fanclub.

Following last week, at today's M Countdown, they reached the top again and
BEAST got 1st place 2 weeks in a row at M Countdown!!!!!!

While receiving lots of love and encouragement from B2UTYs
I hope for more and more good results~ Here are pictures of BEAST right after they got 1st place!

1st place group picture!

(+) Before performing, BEAST in the waiting room !!!

Thank you.

CREDITS: playb2st (SOURCE); poco123@B2ST RISING (TRANS)

This is the administrator of BEAST's fanclub.

Following last week, at today's M Countdown, they reached the top again and
BEAST got 1st place 2 weeks in a row at M Countdown!!!!!!

While receiving lots of love and encouragement from B2UTYs
I hope for more and more good results~ Here are pictures of BEAST right after they got 1st place!

1st place group picture!

(+) Before performing, BEAST in the waiting room !!!

Thank you.

CREDITS: playb2st (SOURCE); poco123@B2ST RISING (TRANS)