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UN Sri Lanka Report Mistakes Basil for Gotabaya Rajapaksa, Stonewalling Continues

by Matthew Russell Lee

(April 26, New York City, Sri Lanka Guardian) While the UN still has not released its Panel of Experts report on war crimes in Sri Lanka or committed to make the Panel members available for questions, the leaked copy obtained by Inner City Press has given rise to a sample question which exemplifies why a press conference is needed.

The Report at Paragraph 171 states that “Defence Secretary Basil Rajapaksa provided assurances that their surrender would be accepted... following a particular route indicated by Basil Rajapaksa.”

Inner City Press has asked the Office of the Spokesperson for the Secretary General, Ban Ki-moon, the following:

-Since Gotabaya Rajapaksa was and is the Defense Secretary, is this just a typo?

-Who is the Panel saying indicated the route: Basil or Gotabya Rajapaksa?

-Again, what was Mr. Nambiar's precise role in the assurances?

-And when specifically did the OSSG know about the Feb 22 meeting between Mohan Peiris and the Panel, as set forth in Annex 2 of the Report?

Previously, Ban's spokesman Martin Nesirky when Inner City Press asked if a meeting between Sri Lanka attorney general Mohan Peiris and the Panel had taken place said, you were there with a camera, you saw that it didn't.

Nesirky has said, When I get the information, I give it to you.

How about Nambiar's responses then?

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by Matthew Russell Lee

(April 26, New York City, Sri Lanka Guardian) While the UN still has not released its Panel of Experts report on war crimes in Sri Lanka or committed to make the Panel members available for questions, the leaked copy obtained by Inner City Press has given rise to a sample question which exemplifies why a press conference is needed.

The Report at Paragraph 171 states that “Defence Secretary Basil Rajapaksa provided assurances that their surrender would be accepted... following a particular route indicated by Basil Rajapaksa.”

Inner City Press has asked the Office of the Spokesperson for the Secretary General, Ban Ki-moon, the following:

-Since Gotabaya Rajapaksa was and is the Defense Secretary, is this just a typo?

-Who is the Panel saying indicated the route: Basil or Gotabya Rajapaksa?

-Again, what was Mr. Nambiar's precise role in the assurances?

-And when specifically did the OSSG know about the Feb 22 meeting between Mohan Peiris and the Panel, as set forth in Annex 2 of the Report?

Previously, Ban's spokesman Martin Nesirky when Inner City Press asked if a meeting between Sri Lanka attorney general Mohan Peiris and the Panel had taken place said, you were there with a camera, you saw that it didn't.

Nesirky has said, When I get the information, I give it to you.

How about Nambiar's responses then?

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