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Google Adds New Templates To Blogger


Google said today it is previewing five new templates in Blogger and they will soon be available in a wider launch.

Google said its new template views use the latest web technology, including AJAX, HTML5, and CSS3. The new template views include Mosaic, Flipcard, sidebar, and Timeslide.

Key features include:

*Infinite scrolling: read more posts without having to reload or click to a second page

*New layouts: different views suited to different types of blogs

*Speed: download images as you view them, not all at once in advance

*Interactivity: there are now more ways to experience and engage with blog content

The Google Blog provides further details. “To try these views on your own blog, simply add ‘/view’ to the end of the blog URL—for example, http://buzz.blogspot.com/view.”

“These new views are available on all public Blogger blogs with feeds fully enabled—to learn more, including how to disable these views for your blog if you wish, please see our help center article.”

Google said today it is previewing five new templates in Blogger and they will soon be available in a wider launch.

Google said its new template views use the latest web technology, including AJAX, HTML5, and CSS3. The new template views include Mosaic, Flipcard, sidebar, and Timeslide.

Key features include:

*Infinite scrolling: read more posts without having to reload or click to a second page

*New layouts: different views suited to different types of blogs

*Speed: download images as you view them, not all at once in advance

*Interactivity: there are now more ways to experience and engage with blog content

The Google Blog provides further details. “To try these views on your own blog, simply add ‘/view’ to the end of the blog URL—for example, http://buzz.blogspot.com/view.”

“These new views are available on all public Blogger blogs with feeds fully enabled—to learn more, including how to disable these views for your blog if you wish, please see our help center article.”